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Our Whakapapa

Who are the traditional owners ?

Found on records held in the Trusts Office the original Shareholder list from 1980 for Tiroa E shows there were only 149 Shareholders.  While with Te Hape B the original Shareholder list from 1990 shows there were 176 Shareholders.  All are descendants of Rereahu, son of Raukawa.  Today there are 765 shareholders in Tiroa E and 967 shareholders in Te Hape B

Māori Land Court records show the establishment of Tiroa E Trust occurred on the 21st May 1974 and Te Hape B Trust was the 19th November 1973.

Pai Tutaki

Te Ra Putahi

Koro Wetere

Huatahi Mahuri

Kingi Tuheka Hetet

George Tutaki

John Tutaki

Brian Simmons

Most stock was sold in fat condition for freezing and export, but in 1963 steer calves were sold at the Te Kūiti Calf Fair and fetched £19 pounds each.

Well over 50 miles of fencing was constructed and also over 50 miles of internal roading to enable easier mustering and shifting of stock and to cart fencing materials to fencelines.

Most stock water was supplied from the 50 dams on the farm.  Crossings were made between gullies and the water backed up and dams from a few square yards to acres were then formed.

5.5 miles roading was constructed through the block which linked Highway 30 and Waipa Valley Road.

Land development operations were commenced under Mr Les Houchen whom was a senior field officer for the Māori Affairs.  He commented saying “Tiroa Block is pregnant with possibilities on this broad stretch of pumice country”.  Only five years ago Tiroa was nothing more than acres of scrub and cut-over bush, some of it being milled up to 50 or 60 years ago.  Large sums were spent developing the land from scrub and bush, reticulation of electric power and opening up of new roads.  During the first year of development approx. 700 acres of scrub was grassed.  This was clover dominant pasture as the country was ‘pretty raw pumice’.  The aim after this was to sow 1000 acres each year.

Awhina Barkla Rauputu was the first recipient of the Wintec Tiroa E & Te Hape B Trusts Education Scholarship in 2008.  Awhina was completing a Diploma in Fashion Design and Practice level 6.

Currently the Trusts still offer Education Grants for both Tertiary and Secondary.

The values embraced by the trust are encapsulated in “Kaitiakitanga o te Whenua” Guardianship of the Land.