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Tēnā koutou katoa, Nau mai, haere mai ki

Tiroa E & Te Hape B Trusts

Mā te whenua hei oranga te iwi mō ake, ake, ake.

The land, our heritage and our values will nurture our people now and forever”.

Tēnā koutou katoa e nga iwi o Tiroa E & Te Hape B Trusts,

We are 2 Māori Land Trusts, with farms located in Benneydale. 

Our farms are 11,000ha of which 7,300ha is effective, running between 80,000-120,000 stock units. 

There are 7 trustees, Rowyne Yeatman (Chairperson), Destiny Ordish (Deputy Chair), Te Rahui Hepi, Karyn Nathan, Maxine Nathan, Donna Tamaki and Tutahanga Tepu.

We have over 900 Shareholders and our head office is located in Te Kūiti in our commercial building owned by Tiroa E Trust.

Are you an owner?

If you are unsure, then check out the links below if you think that you could be an owner. 

Succeeding to your interests is important for continuity and participation.

Technical land data

Māori land court block details

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